Investing - Famed investor Warren Buffet sees dollar weakness down the road

Warren Buffett, the 75-year-old billionaire investor and chairman of insurance and industrial conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway, said that we can expect market returns of 6 to 8 percent a year, and reiterated his view that the dollar will weaken over time. We reproduce a small part of the above mentioned article.

"The so-called Oracle of Omaha also reaffirmed his views on the U.S. dollar, which he expects will weaken "over time" due to U.S. fiscal policies. "I think over time the dollar is going to weaken. I have no idea whether it will be this year or five years from now, but I think that we are following policy that will cause the dollar to weaken over time." he said. "It's the consumer's action in the end that is doing it but we have no governmental policy that counters the fact we are sending a couple of billion dollars a day abroad. We are trading - we are buying goods and we are selling capital." Meanwhile stock market returns, he added, should remain modest relative to the out-sized performance of the 1990s. "I don't expect any enormous returns at all, either for Berkshire or the market," Buffett said. "Overall, 6 to 8 percent is what I think people can expect."

Well, that gives us a project growth rate, from the financial doyen, for the next five years. This will aid us in fine tuning our investing and retirement planning.

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