Sell Your Old Cell Phone Instead Of Dumping It

[This post is written and copyrighted by FIRE Finance (]

Sell Your CellJuly 28, 2009: Being tech savvy people, every year we change our cell phones. Now comes the tricky part. What do we do with our old cell phones - dump them? No way! We have been selling them for the past few years and making a tidy sum out of each deal. This year we sold them online to a new company named

In the past we have sold to companies like ripmobile, cellforcash, etc. Our experience with has been neat. We got a price quote for our phone (model, make, year), closed the deal and printed the FREE UPS shipping label. Then we put our phone along with its manual and accessories in a box, pasted the FREE UPS label on the box and dropped it off at a UPS drop box.

We received confirmation emails from Within a couple of weeks the check arrived in the mail! They saved us the listing fees and headache associated with selling our phones on ebay. Another advantage is that we don't have to wait for a buyer to purchase our phone (as is the case for selling on ebay or amazon). The sale is immediate since sellyourcell buys the phone directly from us.

So if you have a couple of cell phones in your garage, grab them and sell them online. Not only does it helps us to pocket some dollars but is environment friendly since the phones are resold or recycled. This one is a Win-Win for all :)

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