Halloween GiveAway - Your Money & Your Brain

Halloween GiveAway
[This post is written and copyrighted by FIRE Finance (http://firefinance.blogspot.com).]

This contest has ended and the winner has been announced. Click here for current giveaways.

We wish our audience a Happy Halloween. It is a great time to celebrate! We decided to do so with our superb audience. On this special day we planned a giveaway of Jason Zweig's book "Your Money & Your Brain."Your Money & Your Brain!

GiveAway Notes

The winner will be announced on Nov 4th, 2007.
  • You do not need to have a blog to participate in this giveaway.
  • Please leave a comment with two random digits (e.g. 23) to enter the giveaway.
  • Deadline for posting a valid comment is Nov 4th, 2007 12:00 noon (US - Eastern Standard Time)!
  • Winner Notification: Since this site is hosted on Blogger, we need your email address to contact you for sending the book. You have three choices:
    1. Leave your email address in your comment.
    2. If you are not comfortable in leaving your email address in your comment, kindly send an email to firegetters@gmail.com [firegetters at gmail dot com]. Please put the following in the subject line "Halloween GiveAway".
    3. If you have a blog, and would like to be contacted through it, please leave its link in your comment.
  • Who is a winner?
    • We shall generate a two digit random number (http://random.org). The winner is the commenter whose input matches with the random number generated. To maintain transparency the random numbers generated will be published.
    • In case of ties, the early bird will win the giveaway.
    • If there are comments from "Anonymous' with no email id or email or link to a site, we will run the random number generator once again to determine the winner.
  • We shall mail the book to addresses in US and Canada only. Currently we are not mailing to other international addresses.
    • If you are outside US and you win, please arrange for someone in US to collect the book on your behalf and ship it to you. Our apologies for this inconvenience.
Halloween GiveAway Stay tuned to our site, we shall be having more giveaways with great prizes from the realm of personal finance. Good Luck to all!

FIRE Finance reserves all rights to the rules of this contest.

Image Source(s): iStockPhoto

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