[This post is written and copyrighted by FIRE Finance (http://firefinance.blogspot.com).]
In our college days there were hardly any credit cards that offered cash back rewards. To get an unsecured credit card which was by itself a big deal. But Citi has eased it for present day college students with mtvU Platinum Select Visa. It offers 5% cash back for purchases which students make every day at restaurants, bookstores, record stores, movie theaters and video rental stores. And Citi is offering a 0%APR with no balance transfer fees ........ » Click here to Continue Reading
Thank you so much for this post. I was looking for a card to do a balance transfer that would work with me only having a part time job. Thanks again!
FIRE Finance
@ Erivetta: We are so glad that you found the post useful. It feels so good when we hear back from our readers, more so when our articles help them in real life :D.
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