August's Best of FIRE Finance - 2013

PoppySep 05, 2013: Today we present our best posts from August. Before that, a little about August's majestic history :). As per Gregorian Calendar, August is the eighth month of the year. It was originally named Sextilis in Latin, because it was the sixth month in the ancient Roman calendar, which started in March about 750 BC under Romulus.

When King Numa Pompilius added January and February to the beginning of the year in about 700 BC, August became the eighth month. History says that several significant events that aided King Augustus's rise to power, happened in this month. So in 8 BC, in honor of King Augustus it was renamed to August.

Lore claims that in the Roman Republican calendar August originally had 29 days. However, when Sextilis was renamed in his honor, King Augustus took two days from February and gave it to August! The flower of this majestic month is the gladiolus or poppy. Now lets go for a regal "Retro-August" ...



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