The Power of Less Has Been Released

The Power of LessLeo Babauta has released his latest book "The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Business and in Life."

In addition, he is offering a superb bonus giveaway which will end on Jan 1, 2009. If you purchase the book before the end of Jan 1st, 2009, he will give you one of the following as a bonus:
  1. The Zen To Done e-book, usually a price of $9.50.
  2. The Zen Habits Handbook for Life e-book, usually a price of $6.50.
  3. An exclusive audio podcast of weight loss tips from Leo, packaged with a special sneak peek of an audio interview — Leo interviewing GTD author David Allen — which will be released to the public next week sometime.
Leo has written a companion e-book for The Power of Less titled "Thriving on Less: Simplifying in a Tough Economy." This e-book is being offered as a FREE download for all. We read this e-book. It brings home the facts in a simple yet pithy way which is easy to practice. Check out all the goodies that our blogging superstar Leo is offering. Enjoy!

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