[This post is written and copyrighted by FIRE Finance (http://firefinance.blogspot.com).] The LATEST RANKINGS are available HERE!
We present the first set of rankings of personal finance (pf) blogs for this year. This publication has been delayed due to unavailability of traffic (Dec 2007) related data from Compete and Quantcast. Finally we got the requisite data in the second week of January!
This table shows the ranking of individual pf blogs. The columns beside each blog show their respective ranks based on monthly traffic data (Dec 2007) from the corresponding sources.
Last updated on Thu Jan 24 2008 03:01 PM EST
SITEMETER RANKINGS | QUANTCAST RANKINGS | COMPETE RANKINGS | SR | Blog | QR | Blog | CR | Blog | 1 | TheSimpleDollar | 1 | GetRichSlowly | 1 | GetRichSlowly | 2 | GetRichSlowly | 2 | TheSimpleDollar | 2 | TheSimpleDollar | 3 | FreeMoneyFinance | 3 | MyMoneyBlog | 3 | MyMoneyBlog | 4 | AllFinancialMaters | 4 | BankDeals | 4 | TheDigeratiLife | 5 | NotMadeOfMoney | 5 | TheDigeratiLife | 5 | FiveCentNickel | 6 | MillionaireMommyNe | 6 | MoneyMatter&MoreMu | 6 | FreeMoneyFinance | 7 | LazyManAndMoney | 7 | FiveCentNickel | 7 | AllFinancialMaters | 8 | MyPersonalFinanceJ | 8 | Moolanomy | 8 | NotMadeOfMoney | 9 | FrugalForLife | 9 | ThePiggyBanker | 9 | MoneyMatter&MoreMu | 10 | NoCreditNeeded | 10 | GenerationXFinance | 10 | LazyManAndMoney |
| 11 | BeingFrugal | 11 | FreeMoneyFinance | 11 | ThePiggyBanker | 12 | FrugalLawStudent | 12 | NoCreditNeeded | 12 | BeingFrugal | 13 | MightyBargainHunte | 13 | AllFinancialMaters | 13 | IWillTeachYouToBeR | 14 | PaidTwice | 14 | LazyManAndMoney | 14 | PunnyMoney | 15 | GenerationXFinance | 15 | MillionaireMommyNe | 15 | BloggingAwayDebt | 16 | My1stMillionAt33 | 16 | BeingFrugal | 16 | TheDoughRoller | 17 | Experiment'sinFina | 17 | TheSun'sFinancialD | 17 | FrugalLawStudent | 18 | Moolanomy | 18 | MrsMicah | 18 | TravelGuideForYour | 19 | MyTwoDollars | 19 | FIREFinance | 19 | MoneyMusings | 20 | MoneySmartLife | 20 | MoneyMusings | 20 | PaidTwice |
| 21 | CashMoneyLife | 21 | FrugalUpstate | 21 | CashMoneyLife | 22 | DontMessWithTaxes | 22 | MoneyCrashers | 22 | NoCreditNeeded | 23 | FrugalUpstate | 23 | AFrugalLivingBlog | 23 | Neville'sFinancial | 24 | CleverDude | 24 | MyPersonalFinanceJ | 24 | FrugalForLife | 25 | GatherLittleByLitt | 25 | My1stMillionAt33 | 25 | MyTwoDollars | 26 | PunnyMoney | 26 | Neville'sFinancial | 26 | TwoWiseAcres | 27 | AskMrCreditCard | 27 | ItsJustMoney | 27 | MoneyNing | 28 | FIREFinance | 28 | MyTwoDollars | 28 | TheSun'sFinancialD | 29 | TheFrugalDuchess | 29 | GatherLittleByLitt | 29 | MightyBargainHunte | 30 | ZenPersonalFinance | 30 | FrugalLawStudent | 30 | MyOpenWallet |
| 31 | EnglishMajorMoney | 31 | EnoughWealth | 31 | HustlerBlog | 32 | MoneyAndValues | 32 | MakeLoveNotDebt | 32 | GatherLittleByLitt | 33 | PlonkeeMoney | 33 | BloggingAwayDebt | 33 | Debtkid | 34 | ItsJustMoney | 34 | MoneyBlueBook | 34 | Moolanomy | 35 | MyFinancialJourney | 35 | FrugalForLife | 35 | MoneySmartLife | 36 | GiveMeBackMyFiveBu | 36 | IWillTeachYouToBeR | 36 | GenerationXFinance | 37 | Mapgirl’sFiscalCha | 37 | MoneySmartLife | 37 | My1stMillionAt33 | 38 | SingleGuyMoney | 38 | YoungAndBroke | 38 | PlonkeeMoney | 39 | GettingFinancesDon | 39 | StopBuyingCrap | 39 | ZenPersonalFinance | 40 | DebtFree | 40 | PunnyMoney | 40 | CleverDude |
| 41 | TiredButHappy | 41 | SavvySaver | 41 | Ardini | 42 | TheWanderingTaxPro | 42 | TheWanderingTaxPro | 42 | MillionDollarJourn | 43 | EnoughWealth | 43 | 2millionBlog | 43 | MrsMicah | 44 | MyInvestingBlog | 44 | Gina'sTaxArticles | 44 | MakeLoveNotDebt | 45 | OneFrugalGirl | 45 | TheFrugalDuchess | 45 | InvestingIntellige | 46 | AskDong | 46 | DontMessWithTaxes | 46 | MyInvestingBlog | 47 | PoorerThanYou | 47 | MoneyUnder30 | 47 | StopBuyingCrap | 48 | Becoming&StayingDe | 48 | CleverDude | 48 | MyFinancialJourney | 49 | FinancialJungle | 49 | MightyBargainHunte | 49 | Taxalicious | 50 | TheHappyRock | 50 | TiredButHappy | 50 | MoneyRelations |
| 51 | CanadianFinancialS | 51 | CanadianCapitalist | 51 | MoneyBlueBook | 52 | TheFinanceJourney | 52 | MyInvestingBlog | 52 | DebtFREERevolution | 53 | DimesToDollars | 53 | ArtOfMoney | 53 | ArtOfMoney | 54 | MyRetirementBlog | 54 | Becoming&StayingDe | 54 | RockYourStock | 55 | FrankTheFinanciall | 55 | PaidTwice | 55 | Experiment'sinFina | 56 | YetAnotherBlogabou | 56 | LiveLearnInvest | 56 | BluntMoney | 57 | OSAWatch | 57 | MyOpenWallet | 57 | 22Dollars | 58 | MyNewChoice | 58 | InvestorHives | 58 | wallstreetfolly | 59 | USAinDebt | 59 | GiveMeBackMyFiveBu | 59 | MoneyUnder30 |
| 60 | GettingOutofDebt | 60 | 2millionBlog |
| 61 | PlonkeeMoney | 61 | ErasingOurDebt |
| 62 | MoneyAndValues | 62 | DebtInSeattle |
| 63 | MoneyNing | 63 | JourneyToFinancial |
| 64 | MyFinancialJourney | 64 | HowISaveMoney |
| 65 | TheDoughRoller | 65 | DinksFinance |
| 66 | WellHeeled | 66 | LiveLearnInvest |
| 67 | BeanCounterBlog | 67 | JosephSangl |
| 68 | BostonGal'sOpenWal | 68 | SINLetter |
| 69 | TheFinanceJourney | 69 | Mapgirl’sFiscalCha |
| 70 | HowISaveMoney | 70 | APennyCloser |
| 71 | MillionDollarJourn | 71 | MoneyCrashers |
| 72 | GaryWeiss | 72 | CanadianCapitalist |
| 73 | FinancePhysician | 73 | MoneySmartzWeBlog |
| 73 | JosephSangl | 74 | TheFinanceJourney |
| 74 | MyNewChoice | 75 | BeanCounterBlog |
| 74 | MyRetirementBlog | 76 | RetireYoungandWeal |
| 75 | BigBensInvestingBl | 77 | AllAboutAlpha |
| 76 | TheWastrelShow | 78 | AskDong |
| 77 | FindingFinancialPe | 79 | MyRetirementBlog |
| 78 | MoneyforMilitary | 80 | MoneyWalks |
| 79 | DinksFinance | 80 | WallStreetMatador |
| 80 | SuccessWarrior | 81 | USAinDebt |
| 81 | PennyPinching | 82 | GettingFinancesDon |
| 82 | GettingFinancesDon | 83 | OneMoneyDummyGetti |
| 83 | OneFrugalGirl | 84 | MoneyRxBlog |
| 84 | OneMoneyDummyGetti | 85 | BinaryDollar |
| 85 | AllAboutAlpha | 86 | KirkWalsh |
| 86 | HelpYourMoney | 87 | HelloDollar |
| 88 | EverybodyLovesYour |
| 89 | AdventureMoney |
| 90 | AdvancedPersonalFi |
| 91 | EnoughWealth |
| 92 | Becoming&StayingDe |
| 93 | AccumulatingMoney |
| 94 | FrugalUnderground |
| 95 | Money&InvestingDog |
| 96 | OSAWatch |
| 97 | FinancePhysician |
| 98 | TheFinancialFreedo |
| 99 | PoorerThanYou |
| 100 | TheHappyRock |
This table shows the ranking of group pf blogs. The columns beside each blog show their respective ranks based on monthly traffic data (Dec 2007) from the corresponding sources.
Last updated on Sat Jan 26 2008 02:24 PM EST
SITEMETER RANKINGS | QUANTCAST RANKINGS | COMPETE RANKINGS | SR | Blog | QR | Blog | CR | Blog | 1 | WiseBread | 1 | WiseBread | 1 | WiseBread | 2 | ConsumerismComment | 2 | ConsumerismComment | 2 | SmartMoneyDaily | 3 | Queercents | 3 | SoundMoneyTips | 3 | ConsumerismComment | 4 | CreditCardLowdown | 4 | SmartMoneyDaily | 4 | PersonalFinanceAdv |
| 5 | PersonalFinanceAdv | 5 | SoundMoneyTips |
| 6 | CreditBloggers | 6 | Queercents |
| 7 | Queercents | 7 | CreditBloggers |
| 8 | CreditCardLowdown | 8 | CreditCardLowdown |
Previous Ranking(s):